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Excerpt from "The All American Candidate" Screenplay


When I had first heard about the Fresh Ink script reading series last semester, it immediately piqued my interest, so hearing more about it this semester, I knew that I wanted to submit a script. I tossed around a lot of lukewarm ideas before I eventually started to formulate what became my screenplay, The All-American Candidate. I worked very hard on trying to build strong characterization, specifically with the characters of Franny and Harrison, who we see in this scene. I wanted Franny to be crass and rude, but only because she’s scared of showing any emotion and ruining her reputation. I wanted Harrison to be a “know nothing know-it-all,” but at the root of it all, I wanted him to be kind, and that came through exceptionally well once I started working with the actors, Olivia Swanson and Chris Nigro. In the scene I have chosen, Franny calls Harrison, her friend who she is not too fond of, because she has nowhere else to turn. 

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Tara Healy '23

Tara Healy is a sophomore double majoring in Theatre and Creative Writing. She has always enjoyed writing scripts since she was in first grade, and she has loved the opportunity to put on this production of her screenplay, "The All-American Candidate."

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